Monday, September 17, 2012

week one

We have a one week old baby at this house! It really has been such an adjustment for everyone, but Beckham is such a blessing. We sure love him and think he is the best baby. Here are some highlights for the week.
* Jason and I love to just sit and watch Beckham. He has some of the funniest facial expressions. He is not much of a crier (...yet), but his face will tell you exactly what he is thinking.
* Beckham is already back up to his birth weight! What a growing boy. Apparently, he was not expected to be back up until his 2 week check up. However, by day 5, he had it all gained back.
* We swaddle Beckham before he goes to sleep. Isn't he cute?
* Beckham tried out the car seat. He's not too sure about it yet. He does very well for the first little bit, but he would rather not be strapped in to anything.
* This picture shows how our Beckham like to strech out. He prefers to have his hands above his head or by his face. Also, he likes the binkie. Mom and Dad are not too sure if we like him to be so attached. He is also very particular about the type of binkies he has. We have now tried three different types, and only one will do. He like the hospital Soothie binkie.
* Daddy and Beckham. So cute. Beckham sure knows who his dad is and loves when Daddy comes home. Jason will hold him and just talk to Beckham about his day. Beckham loves to hear Dad talk to him. He will just stare had at Jason for a long time and try to take in every word. It is pretty precious.
* This is a picture from Sunday. The boys in their Sunday attire. Darling.
* We have had tons of visitors this week. Beckham has met almost all of his cousins now. Thanks to everyone who came to visit! Beckham loved it!
We made it through the first week and now it is on to the next! Another update to come.


Kelsey said...

your baby is so darling! congrats!

Kathryn McFall said...

I'm glad your first week went well! Those kiddos change your entire way of life!