Saturday, December 19, 2009

a Christmas tradition

Each year my family would decorate ginger bread houses at Christmas time. Mom would spend the entire day baking ginger bread, and at night, everyone would gather round the table to make the perfect ginger bread house. This particular tradition is my favorite and something that I look forward to every year. Jason, however, apparently has never decorate a real ginger bread house before, so this was something new for him.

My brother, Garrick, and his family were present for the decorating family home evening. Courtney even came too. Jason and I decorated our own house. It ended up turning out very cute (thanks to all those who helped us). And, I must say, Jason did a wonderful job for a first timer.

We had some wonderful helpers. Rachel, Kyle, Kaitlyn, Hannah, and Trevor all helped Jason and me decorate our house. We even used some of their ideas from their own houses (The heart on the back of our house is a copied idea from Hannah's house).
TA-DA! Here is the finished product. We loved making the ginger bread houses with the family. Thanks mom for baking all day long so that we could decorate these houses!

After we made an entire mess of the house, my mom helped me make a wreath for my apartment. It's a little difficult to decorate for Christmas when there are no Christmas decorations. My mother has been wonderful to help me learn how to make my own decorations. While Jason and Dad cleaned up the mess of the ginger bread houses, my mom and I made a wreath. I think it turned out super cute. Thanks to Jason, it is now afixed to our back door (since that is the only door we use).

Thanks again, Mom.

1 comment:

Michael and Tammi said...

WOw I'm not only impressed but very jealous of you getting to do ginger bread houses. How lucky you are to have such a great mother to provide these wonderful memories for her family and to make a tradition like that. I never had a mother to do that with and would of loved that growing up. You realy don't know how lucky you are!

You guys make me so proud to see the good things you are doing and to see the joy you have for each other. May your first Christmas together be a special one and one to remember. WE love you both

Michael and Tammi