Sunday, January 9, 2011

a quick trip

Jason and I made a quick trip to Riverton this weekend. We have been planning a trip to the Oquirr Mountain Temple for quite some time now, and we finally went. We have been looking forward to this trip for a while. Jason and I both were very excited when Friday finally came. We hurried down to the temple on Friday night and had an enjoyable experience there. That is one beautiful temple!
This trip was great because we went to the temple, and we got to visit with FAMILY! Rob and Kelsie were so nice to let us just drop in and stay the night. Those two are awesome. When we arrived, Kelsie just happened to be pulling scookies out of the oven, and we visited until we were all yawning and readying for bed. They were very good to us and we are so grateful that they let us sleep at their house.
The next morning, Jason and I were greeted by three cute little girls at the top of the stairs. We had a wonderful breakfast with them (that Jason is still talking about). And, we played a stimulating game of Zingo! with the twins. Emi and Lizzie are pros at the game.

While we were playing, I was talking to Rob and Kelsie and making faces at Alisa and I wasn't paying too much attention to the game. I didn't really think those girls would notice, because Jason was playing with them, but they did. Emi kept asking me, "Umm...when are you going to sit down?" and "Could you sit down now?" A while later, I was still not paying close attention to the happenings of the game, and Lizzie began to just play for me. Thanks for helping me out, Lizzie. Next time, I will be more focused on the game.

I was also taking pictures of them and they didn't want to just be in the photo. They wanted to take the photo. So, these are the highlights of the pictures that they took of us. They giggled at Jason's funny faces and asked to take more and more pictures of him (I guess I'm not that fun to take a picture of). Yes, there is a picture of my mid section. Emi took it. Who needs to see my face??We left shortly after we played our games. On our way home, we stopped at Brandon and Jenn's house and visited for a while. I actually think that we surprised them. While we were there, we saw another cute little girl. We had a nice visit with them as well.
It was quick trip, but it was great!

1 comment:

Michael and Tammi said...

It sounds as if you had a wonderful time at the temple and your families home. I'm happy to see you doing the things that matter most and making those things a priority in your lives.

We miss you guys and can't wait to see you again.

Love bumpa