Wednesday, October 6, 2010

the happenings

It has been quite an eventful few days here at the Pollards. The first few days in October always are. Why? Well, it is usually conference weekend and my birthday. However, this year we had a few more events to squeeze in.

*Jason and I sold the Buick. It was a good car while it lasted, but we are happy to have sold the car. It was quite a blessing. Now, we are juggling one car and using the bike (...again). So far all has worked out well.
*I got my hair highlighted. I have never colored my hair before, so this was a big thing. Jessica did a wonderful job and I must say I feel like a new woman with blond/carmel highlights. Jason also got his hair cut and is looking fabulous.

*We went out to eat at the Coppermill after the Priesthood Session. It was a delicious meal.

* Conference was wonderful, as always. Jason and I are not able to watch conference on our television because we don't have any cable set up. So, we resort to watching the prophet on the internet. I must say, it's not very comfortable to crowd around the computer screen. Maybe one day we will be able to comfortably watch conference on our TV from the soft couch. We watched the final session of conference on Sunday at the Hall residence. However, Jason and I seemed to watch the cute neices and nephews more than the speakers (we'll have to just read those talks).

*Mom made a birthday dinner for me while we were out with the family, even though my real birthday really wasn't until Tuesday. It was a good thing we did some celebrating on the weekend because I got sick on Monday afternoon. Sleeping on the bathroom floor really isn't what I have in mind for a happy birthday. I woke up on my birthday still feeling a little sick, so I stayed in bed for most of the morning. By afternoon I was feeling great. I don't know what sickness I caught but it was horrible. Jason made me a delicious dinner and stayed up late with me decorating for fall with my new birthday gifts. That was my birthday in a nutshell. What a way to spend the first few days in October. Even though I was sick for some of it, it was great and I'm sure I'll look forward to this time next year.

P.S. Did you know that I think this guy is the best?! He cracks me up all the time and is way too good to me. I am oh-so lucky. I sure love him. Just so you know....

This is picture is just him being silly one night. What a funny guy. I'm sure Jason will LOVE that I shared this photo with everyone.


Tammi Pollard said...

Em I am glad your b-day turned out good after having been sick, your hair is darling!!!!!!! Happy Birthday again, you are such a cutie!!!!

the Morrisons said...

Cute blog Emily! I just read for awhile to catch up...I'll be checking back more often!

Jenna Cox said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR HAIR!!!! It turned out SUPER cute!!! :) Oh aren't we lucky to have a hair dresser in the family! Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :)

Michael and Tammi said...


Happy birthday and loved the pictures. Jason sorry to see the car go but now I won't have to hear how much you hated it. By the way are you playing basketball in the hall way or are you going to a wrestling match...your so tough! I could whoop your butt any day!

Austin Christina Cranney said...

Hope you had a Happy Birthday Emily! Hey don't forget i'm setting our blog to private so give me your email so I can add you!