Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April Conference 2013

This past week has been a rough one for us.  I have had a difficult week juggling everything. Beckham wasn't sleeping very well, and most nights Jason and I were up and down with him.    Work has been crazy busy for me and I felt like I couldn't get on top of things there.  Jason has been completely stressed out will school and work.  Some days I felt like we only saw each other in passing.  It was not fun.

So, conference weekend was a much needed recouperation for us all.  I felt like the talks I heard were written just for me, and I was so thankful to have a living prophet to lead us.  It was simply a delightful weekend.

Unfortunately, we do not have cable.  Gasp!  Actually we never had it in the three and a half years we have been married.  We stream the conference through our tablet and watch it on T.V.  But sometimes that didn't work, and so we listened to it through our phones.  Thank you technology!  We really are blessed to have access to this wonderful conference from all over!

We struggled to keep Beckham entertained the whole time. We did find out though that he LOVED to watch and listen to the music.

Conference wouldn't be complete without the cinnamon twist. I had so much dough that I made two this year. We ate them Sunday morning before the first session.  Needless to say, I ate way too much!
Beckham caught up on some sleep.  However, Beckham was not too keen on the idea of taking a nap initially, but in the end he took a good nap......and so did Mom and Dad.  It was needed.

And we played.  And played!

It is just so fun to be home together and hear the prophet.  Thank Heaven for this weekend.  We are looking forward to another weekend like this one in October.


Colton and Jenna said...

I LOVED this post!! Sooo cute!! :) BAby boy is getting soo big!!

Michael and Tammi said...

Loved reading your post. I can understand about needing the break that conference brings...it certainly comes when our batteries are low and needing re-charged at least for me it is. Loved seeing Beckham playing with his daddy.. You both are doing a wonderful job of being parents. It sure is alot of work but the work and sacrifice don't compare to the joy that comes from those sweet smiles of a little one.

Hang in there...get sleep when you can and before you know it he'll be leaving on a mission.

Missing you all in Burley
