Saturday, December 8, 2012

3 months

Beckham is now 3 months old!  Can you believe it? 

*Beckham is interacting so much more with Jason and me.  I love it!  He is quite a little jabber.  He coos and makes noices all the time.  He just loves to talk.  He is also beginning to giggle.  So fun!

*Beckham is now sleeping between 9 and 9 1/2 hours at night.  Yay!

*Beckham is still sleeping in our room, but is now in his Pack-n-Play.  He quickly outgrew the bassinet.  Lately, he has taking a liking to laying on Mom and Dad's bed in the morning while tries to wake up, which is nice for Jason and me while we get ready for work.

*Speaking of sleep, Beckham has been rubbing his eyes lately with his fists when he is tired, particularly at night.  I thought is was so cute at first until I noticed that his was scratching himself.   Ever since, we have had a little bit of a problem with him scratching his face.  Each time I see a scratch, I tell Beckham, "That's a naughty boy."  To which he responds with a grin.

*Beckham clenches his fists.  All the time.  I think it is funny how he does it though.  Beckham always places his thumb between his first and second fingers. 

*I thoroughly enjoy seeing my boy grow.  Beckham is now reaching for things.  He concentrates so hard on the object and reaches his clenched fists up to touch it.  He becomes a little disgrutled by the unfortunate fact that he can't grab it object and put it in his mouth.  Somehow though, he has managed to successfully grab, hold on to, and put Mommy's hair into his mouth.

*Just like all babies, Beckham learns about new things by putting them in his mouth.  However, he has been trying to stuff his fist, in its entirety, into his mouth.  He has been doing this ever since he discovered his hands.  I guess he things they are yummy.

*Beckham is starting to play with his toys.  Mom helps him put toys in his fists and he brings them up to his face to look at and try to eat.  He still loves to read and is content to look at the pictures and listen to Mom read a book to him.  I honestly love our story time together.

*The hugs.  Since going back to work, I have noticed that Beckham gives me and Jason little hugs at night we we are home.  After my first day of work, I brought Beckham home and was holding him while doing various things around the house.  It wasn't until Jason pointed it out that I realized that Beckham had both arms streched out around my shoulders.  He was burrowing his face into my neck.  He took a few long deep breaths while nestled there for a few minutes.  It was if he as simply saying, "I missed ya." It completely melted my heart!  What a sweet boy!
Time is flying with this little guy.  He is growing up so fast and Jason and I are so happy that he is part of our lives. 

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