Sunday, July 31, 2011

caribou county

This is where the A.J. Hall family reunion was held this year. Mom had been planning this reunion since last year and it definately was the best yet. We had so much fun being together and it was really nice to get away from regular life for a while. The entire family stayed in this house and it was beautiful. It is actually a bed and breakfast, but we got the house to ourselves for few days. Seriously, it was so cute. We all played. Period. We played basketball, volleyball, pool, and cards. It seemed like the grandkids were always racing somewhere or playing pretend games with each other. I think that they had a fun time with their cousins. Mom had activities...mostly for the grandkids....for us to play. Really funny times. Good memories.

One of the days, we went to Lava Hot Springs. Jason L-O-V-E-D being at the pool and I really enjoyed being in the sun. I don't think we go to the pool enough. We had fun riding on the slides and going off the diving board. Jason and I got really really sun burned and we are still feeling it three days later. Next year, we'll bring SPF 60.

Just some random photos of the trip...We had a fire going every night. Let's just say we had a lot of smores. Each night when the fire began, it seemed like the grandkids gathered around and just sat with Grandma and Grandpa. They were cute.The best part of the trip was being together. Whether is was visiting around the firepit or playing silly games together, Jason and I enjoyed being with the family.

1 comment:

Austin Christina Cranney said...

Looks like you guys have been having a great time! We need to get together again before school starts :) Give us a call sometime!