Wednesday, January 20, 2010

back to school

I told Jason on our first day back to school that I wanted to get a picture of us both before we headed off to classes. He thought the idea was completely crazy. So, these are the pictures I got of us a few nights later while we were studying.

Below are all the books that I have to read for my classes. Who wouldn't want to read these?? In complete fairness, my semester has been very interesting so far and I am loving it, but by the looks of these books, you wouldn't think so.

(My plan was to get a picture of me hard at work. However, after a quick look at my appearance, I decided a lovely pictures of my text books would suffice.)

This is Jason's second semester at Utah State, and, I must say, he is a very dedicated student. He definately is not the procrastinator that I am. Every night when I get home, he reminds me of not only what he has to complete for next week, but he also makes sure that I am on top of my school work as well.

And now it is off to the homework...again.


Michael and Tammi said...

I'm very impressed with the both of you for working hard at school. I know its not easy and not very rewarding to begin with but when its all over with you'll be so glad you have it. Study hard and don't forget to take a break now and again....the mind can only absorb what the seat can endure. We love you guys

Dad Pollard

Royal Princess Academy said...

yay for school eh? EM- I have to say that I take my hat off to you for reading those books..... they look very...... Interesting!! :) Finance triggers MATH in my mind and MATH and JESS DO NOT GO HAND IN HAND. SO- I'm so glad that you are enjoying your major that's always a plus. JASON- way to go bud.... I am proud of you both!

Tammi Pollard said...

I am sooo proud of you guys, hang in there and you will be so glad you did. Love ya Mom Pollard

Jenn and Brandon said...

Back to school...that sucks! But at least your can see the light at the end of the tunnel, right?

CeCille Hall said...

With everyone else feeling sorry for you with all those books I must remind you that these are some of the best times of your life. "Enjoy the Journey". Good luck with this semester!
Love you guys!