Sunday, April 17, 2011


Jason and I took Thursday and Friday off work to get a few things done and to simply be together. It was wonderful to have an extended weekend! I really needed those few days to relax and be with my husband. We really didn't have very much planned, which was so nice. Unfortunately, the days filled up all too quickly and the weekend went by all too fast.

1- So we just got a Chuck-A-Rama in Logan. Jason is oh-so happy. We love buffets and all the germs that come along with buffets. We tried out the new resturant in the late afternoon, and we were the only people there under the age 65. What an afternoon!

2- I had an appointment with the doctor. It was good and I feel like we are actually getting closer to find out a solution to my medical issue. We also had dentist appointments. We haven't been in...a while...okay two whole years. I was really nervous to know what the dentist found. Luckily, we had no cavities! Sweet!

3- We went for a few rides in Jason's new truck. It's a lovely 1985 Toyota. To say that Jason loves his truck is an understatement. He thinks it is the next best thing to sliced bread. I'm still learning how to drive it with Jason's help. I've never had to use stick-shift automobile before. Let's just say, I think it is best if Jason drives the truck. I don't want to cause a wreck.

4- Jason and I played a little basketball at the church. Not to brag or rub-it-in, I just want you to know that I dominated...our games of horse. That's all.

5- We went coupon shopping. Actually, I took Jason with me to coupon shop. I got tons of stock pile items this week, and I did okay on my savings...could have done better. I must say, that this couponing thing is getting little out of control. I'm turning into a crazy lady. Well, crazier than I already am.

6- So Gossners cheese is the delicious and not super expensive. We go to the "Cheese Store" for all our cheese. We love Gossners because we can save money, AND we get to sample all sorts of cheeses and get a carton of yummy milk. Seriously, what store does that.

7- To top off our weekend, we went to Riverton on Saturday to the sealing of our cute neice, Jennah, to her parents. It was such a special day for our family. We are so lucky to have her with us. She is such a doll and we love her.

What a perfect way to end our extended weekend.