Saturday, October 27, 2012

little things at 7 weeks

Beckham is now a whole 7 weeks old.  Goodness sakes! Time has flown by.  It is amazing to me just how much he is changing every day.  Just for the sake of keeping record, here are some of the little things that Beckham is doing.
One of the many facial expressions of Beckham.  I love this little expression he does.

*Beckham is a growing boy!  We are growing out of some of his clothes and into others.  It is quite exciting.  The problem we have run into is that Beckham is out growing the sleeper faster than anything else.  Not because he is filling them out or growing to long for them.  His feet don't fit in the footies.

* Beckham loves to talk to Dad.  Jason can just tell him anything and Beckham smiles and talks back to him.  Simply darling to watch.

* Speaking of talking, Beckham tries to talk with his binkie in.  This generally happens at bath time when I take him out of the tub.  He will yell at me (bath time is so fun!) and I put the binkie in his mouth to calm him down while I get him dressed for bed.  While he sucks on the binkie he groans and mumbles to me until he has his sleeper on.  I guess he just want me to know that I really spoiled his fun by taking him out of the tub.  It is pretty funny to watch each night.

* Beckham and I read books every day.  Our current (and only) reads are I Love You Through and Through, Hickory Dickory Dock: and Other Nursery Rhymes, and Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See.  We started reading these the week he came home.  Every time I read to him, he sure knows what is happening.  He looks at me and the sometimes the pictures on the book and seeks to try to absorb every word.  I personally love it.

* Beckham is a good eater.  He eats about 6 times a day.  He usually likes to have his hands up on his chest while he eats, resting on the bottle, or holding onto my fingers.

* In general, Beckham likes to have his hands up by his face all the time.  Even when we swaddle him for sleeping, he preferrs to have his hands near his face.

* Sleeping.  We are now up to about 4 naps a day and he is sleeping about 5-6 hours at night.  He still sleeps in his bassinet and does not like the crib (no matter how hard I try).  He is a good little sleeper though.  My favorite part of the day is waking Beckham up in the morning.  I love his morning stretches. So cute.
* I sing songs to Beckham and somehow they are the same ones over and over again.  Beckham enjoys I am a Child of God, My Heavenly Father Loves Me, and I Love to See the Temple.

* We have a picture on our wall of Jesus.  Whenever I feed him in that room, Beckham stares so hard at it.  I don't know if he can see who it is or it is just the contrasts of the wall and picture.  Either way, I think it is sweet.

* Beckham is now smiling!  I LOVE it and think it is the cutest thing!

We sure love this little boy and enjoy watching him grow each day.


Melissa said...

Emily, you are so cute. What a sweet little baby! I had to laugh when you talked about him hating the bath. My Addison was the same way. I would get major anxiety every night at bath time. For awhile josh just did it for me. Hopefully he will grow out of it soon. Hope you're enjoying mommyhood. It's kind of overwhelming the first time. At least it was for me. :). I think the name beckham is so cute.

Tammi Pollard said...

He is so big!!! I need some Beckham time soon....