Monday, August 23, 2010

just so ya know

I am making Blurb book of our blog for the first year of our marriage. Basically, it will be a book of our entire blog for us to keep. It will essentially be the journal of the Pollards. I plan to make one each year. However, there are a few thing that I would like to include. For your own reading pleasure, they are listed below.

1 - Jason has taken a liking to Mozart. He listens to Mozart on the computer and then stand like a conductor and leads his imaginary orchestra. Jason says it stimulates the mind. I'm afraid that this is what we will be listening to constantly when school resumes next week.

2 - Sadly, our camera died this week. (Hence, there are no pictures to accompany this post) What a sad day at the Pollard household. It has been a bit difficult for me, because I L-O-V-E-D my camera. Now we are relying on our phones to document our lives.

3 - We love corn. Period. We are now enjoying the produce from the garden, and corn is our favorite. Sometimes (more often than not), we have a few cobs of corn for dinner. Nothing else. Just corn drenched in butter. It is scrumptious!

4 - Jason and I are now avid coupon shoppers. Going to the grocery store is very exciting now days. We clip tons of coupons and prepare a grocery list a few days in advance. Oh the anticipation of grocery shopping! I know that it sound rediculous, but we have a fun time finding good deals. Our goal is to be able to go to the grocery store, pay a few dollars, and leave with lots of merchandise. If you have any tips, let us know!

5 - Because we have been using coupons, we now buy things in bulk when they are on sale. (This past week, I bought enough cereal to last us until the end of the year. Yikes!) The down side is that we are running out of room to put everything, but it is a good thing I've got Jason. He rearranges and reorganizes to get everything in our apartment.

6 - The Cache Valley weather is finally cooling off at night. We are now able to sleep unstairs in our own bed! NOTHING is better than your own bed. We are SO grateful for the pleasant weather that now allows us to sleep in our bed and not on the floor downstairs.

7 - I am now sporting a pedometer for a wellness program at work. To help me ensure that I get my 10,000 steps in each day, Jason has also been wearing pedometer. Moral support, you know. It is now turning into quite the competition to see who can walk the most each day. I have consecutively lost each day. So, for the record, if you see us walking around in circles, know that we are just trying to get our steps in for the day.

Wow. What a life!


Royal Princess Academy said...

You guys are tooo cute.... I need you to teach me the coupon thing.... I can't seem to get into it!

Cody, Natalie, Kasia and Cooper! said...

I agree.... too freakin cute!!! Its always fun reading your blog!! :)

Michael and Tammi said...

Wow you guys always have fun things to do or else you just make everything your doing sound so fun. Are you keeping a running total of how much your saving with those coupons? That would be interesting. Do you get double coupons days down there? Keep up the good work on all fronts.

Love Dad